Tuesday, March 30, 2010

velvety earth, magic eye

there was something magical about this day in Kauai...and something genuinely free about this particular moment and photograph. the air in Waimea Canyon was crisp and sky so perfectly blue. by the end of session we were covered in red clay... it felt so good. rolling around in the earth was perfectly therapeutic for my then ailing heart.

lately I have been thinking about taking pictures far more than I have actually been taking them. this is meant to change, I know, though my patience gets challenged.

the time i do get to spend with my camera is with both pleasure and purpose. i push past my nemesis anxiety into a state of almost childhood delight. falling into a composition, noticing the way the light is playing with the day, finding the perfect way to frame a fleeting moment. trusting my hunches. its a game I play with myself, with the universe and with my subjects whether environmental or human. it is up to all of us together to document for posterity that which exists around us. it is only each of our unique perspectives that shed new light on what might otherwise go unnoticed.

we are all conduits in this process. may we all be so lucky as to cleverly capture what we create and to consistently engage in this graceful process.

here's to taking more pictures and finding joy in the funny magic of life.
your photographer

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The blog of Alicia J. Rose, photographer + director.