Sunday, June 6, 2010

sky anxiety

Sunday in PDX has taken a gray and wet turn, so i thought it nice to post a little blue sky from last week to remind us all of whats to come... the weather in this burg is such a tease sometimes. yesterday was 70 degrees with a stunner of a blue sky, today yucky as fuck. of course, any Portlander would say its worth it when the light finally decides to shine and show us what the water got busy with.

but, lately, i have found myself with a major case of sky anxiety.

the Mirabella commission had two primary directives - no people, and blue skies. i mean, if you were sexy and 70 living on floor 27 of a luxury retirement high rise in the S. Waterfront of pdx, what would you want to look at every day? easier said than done. we have had about 3 such days in the past month. oyvey. i did my best to capture what i could when the conditions were compliant with my mission, but i developed a bit of a sky hunter's mentality in the process. kind of fun, kind of annoying.

maybe i'm just ready for summer and for the universe to stop with all this teasing. i want change in my life and new places, people and things to frame within my square. i have never been more in love with photography... each picture a spied reflection scooped from my lens and caught like a butterfly pinned to velvet. the grand alchemy of film mixed with sunshine, chemicals and natural instinct makes for some magic that i can't help but believe in.

check out the whole set of sunshine nuggets to see how pretty PDX can be when she wants to be...sigh...


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Alicia, I found your site/photos/blog after searching for pics of Pink Martini. I absolutely love your photography. I hope you will continue to post!

The blog of Alicia J. Rose, photographer + director.